Habakkuk 2:2 that reads "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it" His word also tells us where there is no vision the people will perish.
We believe Hays Family Worship Center is to be built upon a firm foundation of God's Word, believing that His Word is infallible, inerrant, and everlasting and that nothing can be added to it or taken away from it, our vision is to Build a House that will stand for a thousand generations not a place of entertainment but a place of equipping the Saints so that each one of us will be prepared to give an answer in every season. His word also instructs us in this in Ephesians 4:12.
Our vision is to see the restoration through salvation, which restores us to all things. We also believe in the move and power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God to build His church up which is also a part of the restoration of the Body of Christ. Proverbs 15:22 reads that "without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established." Hays Family Worship Center is built upon the counsel of elders and deacons that are committed to prayer and to serving the church.
We are committed to making decisions not based on one but of many that are seeking the kingdom and the heart of our Heavenly Father first and foremost. We desire to follow the example of Jesus who speaks "I do what I see my Father do, and I speak what I hear my Father speak" We abide by "not all good ideas are God ideas" and trust that whatever plans we may make in our hearts it is He who directs our steps.
We are so very excited to see the birth of many new things for 2020, Hays Family Worship Center will be offering studies 5 nights of the week for our youth to our adults/single & married. We have committed to move at God's pace as we understand that His pace is a pace of peace. To answer your second question, Hays Family Worship Center was born out of much prayer. We believe God heard the cries of the hearts of ones desires to see His Spirit move in a mighty way and in the fear of the Lord and reverence for Him our prayer is that as a church body we steward the answer of this prayer well.
Hays Family Worship Center meets on Friday evenings for two reasons, one being that Friday is the day Pastor Darrell and his wife Tiffany can commit to the commute from Red Cloud Nebraska where he pastors Revival Tabernacle which you read in the statement of faith.

We believe God is after His people, and we want to be a people after God. All are welcome! We meet every Friday at 7pm. Pastor Darrell Sutton from Revival Tabernacle in Red Cloud, NE preaches and ministers to our church body. We would love for you to join us in
Building 153, 1651 Yocemento Ave, Hays, KS 67601

We are excited to host Friday evenings, we recently went to Israel and that is truly when their Sabbath begins. We have been overwhelmed by the turn out that we have had on Friday nights, it has been amazing blessing. Regarding the praise team, we do have a vision and we are trusting in the Lord that he is putting it all together. I am taking a great pause when I am asked where do we see this fellowship in five years, it makes me think of Psalms 1 and I am thinking of mighty trees, which are a symbolism of people firmly anchored into His truth and confident in His promises,
I am seeing a new generation of mighty sharpened arrows that have been prepared in the quiver being shot out and going for great distances and taking His word as a double edge sword out into a dark world and speaking life that cuts and penetrates to separate soul and spirit and darkness separating. I am seeing what is pioneered in this place and this time is history changing, it is bringing restoration to families that have been broken by bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, I am seeing prodigals being brought home that have been stolen by the lusts of this world, I am seeing what His spirit can do outside of our wills, our plans and our flesh and it is mightier and more glorious than we could ever imagine. I am seeing a rising up of a remnant army that brings His love, His joy,
His mercy His grace out into this very lost broken world and His name will be known! That is what I am seeing five years if we are obedient to His faithfulness, we can't expect to receive the promises of God without His presence. I pray that we are a people that says "where your presence does not go, do not send us" Let us be a church that welcomes and invites the presence of His Holy Spirit in because if we do not we just become a religious institution or we morph into a mere social club, and Hays Family Worship Center does not desire neither.
We desire to be a church and community that reveals the heart of our Heavenly Father, for that was His son's greatest desire, to reveal the heart of His Father to the world. May we be that, in Jesus Name.
Our Pastors
Darrell Sutton was born in 1969 in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the founding Pastor of Family Worship Center in Hays, Kansas, and has been a preacher of the Full Gospel since he was a teenager.