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Pastor Darrell is a mentor to younger ministers across the nation and oversees several fellowships in the Heartland. For over two decades he has ministered in South central Nebraska and North central Kansas. A frequent minister at camp-meetings and revivals across America, he traveled to more than 3000 cities outside of America before his 30th birthday.


An expert on the sects of radical Islam, the origins of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence, he has published numerous articles in classical journals on Greek and Latin scholars and their scholarship in the field of textual criticism, as well as detailed researches into the ancient Latin texts of select Roman authors. Upon the death of Dr. Hilton Sutton (1924-2012), Darrell became a co-host of Dr. Sutton’s TV program on LeSea, Bible Prophecy Unraveled. The radio version of that program later was hosted by Pastor Darrell on LeSea shortwave radio, covering the whole of Europe, the Middle East, North and South America.     


Most importantly, in October of 1998, he married a beautiful lady named Tiffany, who at the time was at Oral Roberts University. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart performed their wedding. Since that time, together the two of them have taken the Gospel to the nations, establishing churches, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, teaching in Bible Colleges, supporting rural ministers in developing countries and proclaiming the cross of Christ in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  Moreover Pastor Darrell is affiliated with various ministerial organizations.


He is ordained through Central Pentecostal Ministries Fellowship (Panama City, Florida); but he also is member of the Executive Board of World Ministry Fellowship (Parker, Texas), and currently serves as its World Outreach Director or Director of International Missions.


For interested persons living in the Heartland, Pastor Darrell can be heard each Sunday morning on KRVN 880 rural radio (AM band), from 930-1000am. Or, go to ‘Revival Tabernacle in the Great Plains’ at I-Tunes.

Darrell Sutton was born in 1969 in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the founding Pastor of Family Worship Center in Hays, Kansas, and has been a preacher of the Full Gospel since he was a teenager. For seven years he was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. A Gulf War I veteran, he served as a Marine Security Guard at two American Consulates in the Middle East, and was assigned to special duties protecting former Secretaries of State, James Baker and Warren Christopher.


Upon discharge from the military he returned to the Middle East and learned Syriac while living with an Iraqi family and studied Arabic and the Quran under the redoubtable Dr. George E. Kelsey (1929-2018) in Amman, Jordan. He completed his studies in Pastoral Ministries in the six seminaries of the Southern Baptist Convention, and received his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) from Knox Theological Seminary (Coral Ridge-Fort Lauderdale, FL).  


Pastor Darrell is a mentor to younger ministers across the nation and oversees several fellowships in the Heartland. For over two decades he has ministered in South central Nebraska and North central Kansas. A frequent minister at camp-meetings and revivals across America, he traveled to more than 3000 cities outside of America before his 30th birthday. An expert on the sects of radical Islam, the origins of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence, he has published numerous articles in classical journals on Greek and Latin scholars and their scholarship in the field of textual criticism, as well as detailed researches into the ancient Latin texts of select Roman authors. Upon the death of Dr. Hilton Sutton (1924-2012), Darrell became a co-host of Dr. Sutton’s TV program on LeSea, Bible Prophecy Unraveled. The radio version of that program later was hosted by Pastor Darrell on LeSea shortwave radio, covering the whole of Europe, the Middle East, North and South America.     


Most importantly, in October of 1998, he married a beautiful lady named Tiffany, who at the time was at Oral Roberts University. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart performed their wedding. Since that time, together the two of them have taken the Gospel to the nations, establishing churches, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, teaching in Bible Colleges, supporting rural ministers in developing countries and proclaiming the cross of Christ in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  Moreover Pastor Darrell is affiliated with various ministerial organizations. He is ordained through Central Pentecostal Ministries Fellowship (Panama City, Florida); but he also is member of the Executive Board of World Ministry Fellowship (Parker, Texas), and currently serves as its World Outreach Director or Director of International Missions.


For interested persons living in the Heartland, Pastor Darrell can be heard each Sunday morning on KRVN 880 rural radio (AM band), from 930-1000am. Or, go to ‘Revival Tabernacle in the Great Plains’ at I-Tunes.





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